Psalm 12

God contrasts “the ungodly” with “the faithful” by the words they speak. This week we are praying to learn to “guard the words of our mouths”. This enables us to receive Gods' grace for any and every situation we will face. God Bless You for joining us in this prayer. Begin by meditating and praying today's verses.
ASK GOD TO DEAL WITH WRONG ATTITUDES IN YOU EXPRESSED IN WRONG WORDS God calls us to do this, and it is necessary “to receive” the grace God is offering now, to teach us to guard our words.
Being careful with our words is fundamental for prayer and faith which brings God and His power for deliverance and protection when we cry out to Him.
God always directs us to His Word, the Holy Bible, for inspiration and the basis for the words that we speak. Pray and meditate on this truth to establish the right attitude to Gods' Word in your heart
We end this week of learning to “guard our words" with a faith declaration from this Psalm: “God will protect us from this generation (the ungodlines in the world) as we trust Him by being careful with our words / His Words. Start expecting “the fruit of speaking Gods’ Word” and receive the blessings He has promised.
The call to righteousness, according to Gods’ Word, is being given throughout the world. V 2 declares “God will cut off flattering lips that speak proud things”. God wants to stop the lies and deceptions that are being spoken by government leaders, the media, in our schools and even in our churches. As we pray this Psalm / these prayers, God will use our faith to accomplish this. Thank You for being part of this prayer effort and ministry.
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